Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The Thing BA Kids Know Not Of

So apparently it's almost Tinselmonth.

I am now (thankfully) no longer a nanny for the crazy family, and my awesome time teaching English summer camps (sadly) came to end in July.

I'm not really sure how it was July yesterday and now -the fuck- it's November?!

This is what happens when you watch YouTube. Seasons pass.

Although I suppose the actual reason for my absence is that I got a Real Job.

This is The Thing BA Kids* Know Not Of:

That Which Will Allow You to Pay All Bills While Still Saving A Few Quid Each Month How Excellent.

Those of you that grew up with me will know that I used to walk around with much swag claiming I would only ever get a job if it was MY PASHHION and not FOH DA MONEY. Hence my subsequent degree in Drama and English, and a teaching diploma.

And so somehow between July and now I have been working in IT sales.

I suppose really that's enough of a punchline for one blog post, but no. Let's take it further.

It turns out I am qualified to sell accounting software, despite having gotten a C in Maths, and a nothing in Accounting because I didn't take it past Grade 10.

And so, having sold my soul to the corporate world, where there's no shame in choosing a job because it pays well ("Money ain't a dirty word around here"), I am seemingly "smashing it" and also "bringing out the pain" (these are good things, I am told) in a world that until four months ago was pretty much unknown to me. I do work with some amazing nerdy people who can whip up a piece of software overnight (no, really. Really really.) and I learned what a Purchase Order is. I also learned that "one-man band" is not exactly a  neutral term to describe a one-person company. Whoops.

This is my uniform.

I decided to revive this blog because The Universe has made it abundantly clear that it wants me to write about the ridiculousness that is my life, and so I shall.

I need to come up with Blog Thursdays or something.
Because what usually happens once I arrive home, after spending 10 hours in a chair on the phone to PEOPLES, is I collapse on the couch, inhale some carbs, and then dissolve into a mug of fennel tea while mentally kicking myself for paying £16.99 for a gym membership I don't use until they send me that bimonthly guilt-trip email.

Please tell me I'm not the only person who gets that email from their gym?

*BA Kid: One of millions of creative, or just lazy, people who studied a Bachelor of Arts. This degree is usually awesome at covering interesting topics like psychology, history of art, music appreciation, languages and theatre. This degree is not so awesome at helping you pay rent.

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