Wednesday 15 February 2012

Scrub the deck


A tiny tuppaware.
Now. When you see this tiny tuppaware, do you imagine it would contain a LOT of stuff? No, right? You are thinking to yourself "Martizzle, that's a puny tuppaware, it can probably hold 3 olives at most."

So hold that thought.

Have any of you ever played that 'simon says' game called 'The Pirate Ship'?  One of the actions was Scrub the Deck, i.e. get down on your hands and knees and scrub the floor like mad until the next action was called.

I was reminded of that game this morning, when I made some tuna and corn (mielies) sandwiches (sarmies). I had some left over corn so I put it into a tuppaware.

THAT tuppaware.

Later I had to open it again, and after yanking like a wrestler because the motherflippin' thing wouldn't open, it suddenly DID open, and EVERYTHING flew EVERYWHERE, FOREVER, ALL,

...and that is how I ended up on my hands and knees on the kitchen floor, picking corn out of motherflippin' everything.

NEVER trust a tiny tuppaware.

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